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Polonsky K, Pupko T, and Freund NT, Journal of immunology, November, 2023

Ben-Shalom N, Sandbank E, Abramovitz L, Hezroni H, Levin T, Trachtenberg E, Fogel N, Mor M, Yefet R, Stoler-Barak L, Hagin D, Nakai A, Msaki Noda M, Suzuki K, Ziv Shulman Z, Ben-Elyiahu S, and Freund NT, Brain Behavior and Immunity, July, 2023

Qualitative monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in humans using droplet microfluidics.

Broketa M, Sokal A, Mor M, Canales-Herrerias P, Perima A, Meola A, Fernández I, Iannascoli B, Chenon G, Vandenberghe A, Languille L, Michel M, Godeau B, Gallien S, Melica G, Marija, Backovic M, Rey FA, Baudry J, Freund NT, Mahévas M and Bruhns P., JCI insight, June, 2023

Monkeypox Infection elicits strong Serological and B Cell response to A35R and H3L antigens. 

Yefet R, Friedel N, Tamir H, Polonsky K, Mor M, Hagin D, Schprecher E, Israely T and Freund NT, iScience, February, 2023

Conformational flexibility in neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 by naturally elicited anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies

Li R*, Mor M*, Ma B, Clark AE, Alter J, Werbner M, Lee JC, Leibel SL, Carlin AF, Dessau M, Gal-Tanamy M, Croker BA, Xiang Y, Freund NT. Communication Biology, 2022

Rabinowitz KM*, Navon M*, Edelman-Klapper H, Zittan E, Bar-Gil Shitrit A, Goren I, Avni-Biron I, Ollech JE, Lichtenstein L, Banai-Eran H, Yanai H, Snir Y, Pauker MH, Friedenberg A, Levy-Barda A, Segal A, Broitman Y, Maoz E, Ovadia B, Aharoni Golan M, Shachar E, Ben-Horin S, Maharshak N, Mor M, Ben Zvi H, Eliakim R, Barkan R, Sharar-Fischler T, Goren S, Krugliak N, Pichinuk E, Mor M, Werbner M, Alter J, Abu-Taha H, Kaboub K, Dessau M, Gal-Tanamy M, Cohen D, Freund NT#, Dotan I#. Vaccines, 2022

Lower Serologic Response to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Treated With Anti-TNFα

Edelman-Klapper H, Zittan E, Bar-Gil Shitrit A, Rabinowitz KM, Goren I, Avni-Biron I, Ollech J, Lichtenstein L, Banai-Eran H, Yanai H, Snir Y, Pauker H M, Friedenberg A, Levy-Barda A, Segal A, Broytman Y, Maoz E, Ovadia B, Aharoni Golan M, Shachar E, Ben-Horin S, Maharshak N, Perets TT, Eliakim R, Goren S, Navon M, Krugliak N, Werbner M, Alter J, Dessau M, Gal Tanamy M, Freund NT, Cohen DI and Dotan I. Gastroenterology, 2021

Freund NT, Gerlic M & Croker B. Immunology and Cell Biology, 2021

Immunogenicity of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in patients with inborn errors of immunity

Hagin D*, Freund T*, Navon M*, Adir D, Halperin T, Marom R, Levi I, Benor S, Yifat Y, Ram R and Freund NTJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI), 2021


Ben-Shalom N & Freund NTCell Host & Microbe, 2021


Freund NTHuman Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 2021

Multi-clonal SARS-CoV-2 neutralization by antibodies isolated from severe COVID-19 convalescent donors

Mor M, Werbner M, Alter L, Safra M, Chomsky E, Hada-Neeman S, Polonsky K, Nowell CJ, Clark AE, Roitburd-Berman A, Ben Shalom N, Navon M, Rafael D, Sharim H, Kiner E, Griffis E, Gershoni JM, Kobiler O, Lawrynowicz Leibel S, Zimhony O, Carlin AF, Yaari G, Dessau M, Gal-Tanamy M, Hagin D, Croker BA and Freund NT. PLoS Pathogens, 2021


Munitz, A. Edry‑Botzer L , Itan M, Tur‑Kaspa R, Dicker D, Marcoviciu D, Goren MG , Mor M, Lev S, Gottesman T, Muhsen K, Cohen D, Stein M, Qimron U, Freund NT , Wine Y & Gerlic M. Scientific Reports, 2021

Watson A, Li H, Ma B, Weiss R, Bendayan D, Abramovich L, Mordekovich M, Pinko E, Bar-Oz M, Wang Z, Du F, Lu Y, Rybniker J, Huang H, Barkan D, Xiang Y, Javid B & Freund NTNature Communications, 2021


Medina-Ramirez, Garces F, Escolano A, Skog P, de Taeye S, Moral-Sanchez ID, Dosenovic P, Hua Y, McGuire A, Gitlin A, Woude P, Freund NT, Yasmeen A, Behrens AJ, Ozorowski G, van den Kerkhof T, Sliepen K, Blane T, Kootstra N, van Breemen M, Pritchard L, Stanfield R, Crispin M, Ward A, Stamatatos L, Klasse P, ohn Moore J, Nemazee D, Nussenzweig MC, Wilson I, and Sanders RW. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2017


Wang H, Gristick HB, Scharf L, West Jr. AP, Galimidi RP, Seaman MS, Freund NT, Nussenzweig MC. eLife, 2017


Freund NT, Haoqing H, Scharf L, Noguiera L, Horwitz JA, Sievers S, Sok D, Golijanin J, Halper-Stromberg A, West A, Lorenzi JC, Toth I, Piechocka-Torcha A, Wang LX, Seaman MS, Burton D, Gazumyan A, Walker BD, Bjorkman PJ & Nussenzweig MC. Science Translational Medicine, 2017


Escolano A, Steichen J, Dosenovic P, Kulp D, Golijanin J, Sok D, Freund NT, Araki T, Lowe S, Chen S, Heinemann J, Oliveira T, Gitlin A, Hui-Yao K, Georgeson E, Karen L, Francisco S, Gazumyan A, Burton D, Schief WR, Nussenzweig MC. Cell, 2017


Steichen J.M, Kulp D.W, Tokatlian, T, Escolano A, Docenovic, P, Stanfield RL, McCoy L.E, Ozorowski G, Xiaozhen H, Kalyuzhniy, O, Briney B, Schiffner T, 0arces F, Freund NT, Gitlin, A, Georgeson E, Kubitz M, Adachi Y, Jones M, Mutafyan A, Yun D.S, Mayer C, Ward A, Burton D, Wilson IA, Irvine DJ, Nussenzweig MC, Schief WR. Immunity, 2016


McGuire AT, Gray MD, Dosenovic P, Gitlin AD, Freund NT, Petersen J, Correnti C, Johnsen W, Kegel R, Stuart AB, Glenn J, Seaman MS, Schief WR, Strong RK, Nussenzweig MC, Stamatatos L. Nature Communications, 2016

Freund NT, Horwitz JA, Nogueira L, Sievers SA, Scharf L, Scheid JF, Gazumyan A, Liu C, Velinzon K, Goldenthal A, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Bjorkman PJ, Seaman MS, Walker BD, Klein F, Nussenzweig MC. PLoS Pathogens, 2015


Freund NT, Roitburd-Berman A, Sui J, Marasco WA, Gershoni JM. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, 2015


Freund NT, Scheid JF, Mouquet H, Nussenzweig MC. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2015


Dosenovic P, von Boehmer L, Escolano A, Jardine J, Freund NT, Gitlin AD, McGuire AT, Kulp DW, Oliveira T, Scharf L, Pietzsch J, Gray MD, Cupo A, van Gils MJ, Yao KH, Liu C, Gazumyan A, Seaman MS, Björkman PJ, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Stamatatos L, Schief WR, Nussenzweig MC. Cell, 2016


Gershoni JM.,  Roitburd-Berman A, Siman-Tov DD, Freund NT, Weiss Y. Current Protocols in Immunology, 2009

Epitope mapping - The first step in of epitope base vaccines

Gershoni JM.,  Roitburd-Berman A, Siman-Tov DD, Freund NT, Weiss Y. BioDrugs, 2007

Pepitope: epitope mapping from affinity-selected peptides

Mayrose I, Penn O, Erez E, Rubinstein ND, Shlomi T, Freund NT, Bublil EM, Ruppin E, Sharan R, Gershoni JM, Martz E, Pupko T. Bioinformatics, 2007


Bublil EM*, Freund NT*, Mayrose I, Penn O, Roitburd-Berman A, Rubinstein ND, Pupko T, Gershoni JM. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 2007


Tarnovitski N, Matthews JL, Sui J, Gershoni MJ. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2006

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